Best Eddie Kingston Posts - Reddit
LVAC: Eddie Kingston is a star. Eddie Kingston didn’t need to wrestle on our little indie show. Eddie Kingston didn’t need to donate 100% of his appearance fee to Hispanic Center of the Lehigh Valley. Eddie Kingston doesn’t need to do anything Eddie Kingston doesn’t want to do.
Post Worlds End 2023 Match Thread: Continental Classic Final: …
Kingston's character seems to be the low IQ angry guy at a PTA meeting. I don't buy it at all. Tbf I haven't grown up watching Japanese wrestling so - as you've pointed out - I may be missing something about that match but, to me it was 2 guys in the ring for 5-10 minutes who threw some fake looking chops and 3 wrestling holds - I think there ...
r/SquaredCircle on Reddit: Eddie Kingston: "The MadKing"
I love Eddie Kingston not only because I can relate to him but because he is one of the few professional wrestlers who is such a true and outspoken advocate of getting help for mental illness. Every once in a while a wrestler mentions it, but Eddie Kingston repeatedly makes me feel like it isn't something to hide or be ashamed of.
[Full Gear Spoilers] Finish to CM Punk vs. Eddie Kingston
Fuck me, that finish made Punk look like a psycho. Eddie Kingston truly was the mirror held up to Punk's face to show him the monster thinly veiled beneath his happy-go-lucky public-facing self. They need to have a world title feud someday.
Where did all this negativity surrounding Eddie Kingston come from?
Wrestling is a super trend-heavy community online. One power poster type making an argument for some obscure position has a domino effect a lot of the time, at least for a while. I like Eddie Kingston a lot, and I think the authenticity of his promos puts him a head of a lot of the 'actorly' promos that people seem to like on here.
Eddie Kingston Meets Kawada and can't stop smiling.
Eddie Kingston was that guy for 15 years and nearly left wrestling due to the pandemic, until he was finally given a chance and knocked it out of the park. Since then, he's been able to achieve every dream he's ever had and we've gotten to see him very openly express his gratefulness in a way we don't see with others.
Help me understand Eddie Kingston : r/SquaredCircle
I saw somebody say "eddie kingston is the 30 year with a beat up, lowered and tinted out 1994 toyota corrolla that sits outside the bodega trying to pick up high school girls by buying cheap liquor and Newports for them and i thought that was a great description.
r/SquaredCircle on Reddit: Eddie Kingston - 730?
Mar 18, 2021 · One of the finest. And, one of Kingston's favorites, too. You'll catch Eddie bust out a word, or half line from some of the (now) old-school good old days of pre-internet/indie hiphop every so often in a promo too. He's on all that good old shit (as well as good new shit). Of all types of genres too. One of the reasons I always loved 'em.
CM Punk answers "Eddie Kingston" when asked who the best …
Apr 17, 2021 · One of the Chikara FanFest videos showed they had a "cut a promo" booth, where you could pay to tape a promo with or against whoever was there at the time- and the roster at that point included Eddie Kingston, Chuck Taylor, Ultramantis Black, 2.0, Delirious, Amasis, El Generico (Sammy Zayn), Brodie Lee and Claudio Castignoli.
Someone please explain why you like Eddie Kingston
Jun 11, 2022 · Eddie Kingston is probably the realest dude on AEW. He doesn't look the most in shape but I sure as fuck ain't saying that to his face. He also isn't afraid to talk about his personal struggles or be open about his emotions which I really connect to on a personal level.