In a rapidly evolving global trade landscape, Africa's integration and trade prospects face significant challenges and much uncertainty. This was the topic of discussion at a Development Policy ...
In May 2022, the General Assembly adopted A/RES/76/265 proclaiming 1 March as World Seagrass Day. The resolution highlights the urgent need to raise awareness at all levels and to promote and ...
People everywhere rely on wildlife and biodiversity-based resources to meet our needs - from food, to fuel, medicines, housing, and clothing. For us to enjoy the benefits and the beauty that ...
La República del Congo aprovechando la rica experiencia e innovación de Brasil en programas de agricultura familiar y alimentación escolar. El apoyo de Cuba en la lucha contra el Ébola en ...
Data are critically important for everyone,” says Stefan Schweinfest, Director of UN DESA’s Statistics Division. “All the decisions that you take in your life, you're basing them on data,” he stressed ...
Las personas en todo el mundo dependen de los recursos basados en la vida silvestre y la biodiversidad para satisfacer sus necesidades, desde alimentos hasta combustible, medicinas, vivienda y ropa.
After intense negotiations, Parties to the Convention agreed on a way forward in terms of resource mobilization with a view to close the global biodiversity finance gap and achieve the target of ...
A comprehensive framework for global governance of digital technology and artificial intelligence ...