Reno City Council on Tuesday accepted the Downtown Reno Partnership’s (DRP) annual operating budget and assessment plan for ...
• Loveland’s newest park and home to the city’s first arboretum, Mehaffey Park, was expected to open in late June or early ...
The Oregonian/OregonLive reports that the Portland Clean Energy Fund has a current balance of more than $920 million (“ ...
What was thought to be only Summit County’s problem is now Wasatch County’s as well. Salt Lake County state Rep. Jordan ...
Here's an even better quote from a more exciting report from the dude's old boss . . .
If approved, Measure A would impose a half-percent extra cost on numerous goods sold in Oakland, raising roughly $30 million ...
If approved, Measure A would impose a half-percent extra cost on numerous goods sold in Oakland, raising roughly $30 million ...
Councilman Bill Ostash said he plans in the coming weeks to visit a Mexico consulate in Detroit to apply for the temporary ...
The 6% sales tax would be distributed as follows, according to the latest proposal: 65% to the General Fund, 10% to the ABC ...
Imperial Beach's new tenant protection rules enhance the protections in state law, but some residents say they don't go far enough.
Saint Paul's skyline is set to change with a $130 million development plan for a 20-story apartment tower with retail space.
Members of the Houston City Council will meet at 6:30 p.m. Monday, March 17, at Houston City Hall.