New research reveals how CBD and THC interact with brain receptors, unlocking potential for safer cannabis-based treatments.
Researchers at Columbia University have discovered a unique group of neurons in the mouse brain that command the animal to ...
Study finds curcumin in turmeric may aid muscle recovery, reduce pain, and enhance post-exercise recovery for athletes.
By revealing a massive radio jet in the early universe, J1601+3102 offers a rare snapshot of early quasar activity.
A study reveals how self-deception makes us feel smarter and more accomplished - even when we're unknowingly cheating ...
Young sea turtles actively swim and choose their paths instead of drifting. New satellite tracking reveals their movements.
A study reveals that lutein, present in fruit and vegetables, improves vision and protects the skin, which promotes new ...
Scientists used aircraft and satellites to track biodiversity, helping improve conservation and space research.
A new study has unveiled the far-reaching ecological impact of wolves and other large carnivores in Yellowstone National Park ...
New details have been discovered about M87*, the first black hole ever photographed, revealing its plasma, its brightness and ...
An event called a "ring plane crossing" will occur between Saturn and Earth on March 23, 2025, when Saturn's rings will ...
Some baleen whales avoid killer whale attacks by singing songs at deep frequencies that their predators cannot hear.