Few universities have access to the cutting-edge electromagnetic testing capabilities being developed in Northwest Arkansas for antennas and other electromagnetic equipment.
Chaitanya Pallerla, a graduate student in food science, and assistant professor Dongyi Wang are correctly identifying chewier sections of chicken known as ...
The U of A’s programs in music, theatre and art are set to showcase an exciting lineup of performances that celebrate the fine arts this semester.
Jun, of Washington University in St. Louis, will serve as the inaugural speaker of the series, talking about sustainable resource management at 12:30 p.m. Friday in Bell Engineering Center room 1157.
Anneke Beerten, a three-time world champion mountain biker who coaches in NWA, talked with students in Adam Pope's English Content Strategy Course about her social media work and how to strategize ...
Resource Sharing encompasses traditional interlibrary loan services, plus RazorRush document delivery of local items, purchase on demand of new items and campus delivery of interlibrary loan materials ...
Your responses will help researchers better understand sexting behaviors and their effects on young people's well-being.
Achieving the certification are undergraduate peer educators Reagan Bullard, Nicole Hutchinson, Katalia Schingen and Abigail Wood, as well as graduate student Adrianna Hinson.
Faculty and students from the Department of Industrial Engineering received prestigious recognition at the 2025 Reliability and Maintainability Symposium held in January at Miramar Beach, Florida.
University Programs and the Native American Student Association will host a Night of Indigenous Stories with Gayle Ross, an enrolled member of the Cherokee Nation at 5 p.m. today at Giffels Auditorium ...