When applying for a credit card or loan, the bank will likely pull a credit report. Check out this guide on consumer ...
The Fair Credit Reporting Act (FRCA) was enacted in 1970 and was last amended in 2003 to protect your credit information and ...
FICO CEO William Lansing has burnished the credit score’s dominance and pushed through price hikes, making a bundle for ...
Goodwin tracked four public enforcement actions related to credit reporting or credit repair services, consistent with the four ...
A credit sweep is a fraudulent credit repair tactic that disputes all negative items on a credit report at once.
A unit inside the C.F.P.B. protects servicemembers and veterans from financial scams. The Trump Administration has tried to stop it.
The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) was launched in 2011 in response to the 2008 banking crisis, which destabilized millions of Americans. This new U.S. government agency' ...
Welcome to the “Data Privacy and Cybersecurity” chapter of our annual report, Consumer Financial Services: 2024 Year in Review.
New CFPB rules may erase $49 billion in medical debt from credit reports, boosting credit scores for 15 million Americans if enforcement proceeds.
you have the right to dispute that information under the Fair Credit Reporting Act, a law that governs credit reports, tenant screening reports and background checks, Wu said. "You have the right to ...
The collection agency, which had more than 90 employees, was ordered in 2023 to pay a $1.68M penalty for violations of ...
A firm offer is guaranteed to you by the Fair Credit Reporting Act if you meet the guidelines the lender gave to the credit reporting agency. However, your approval is still conditional on a hard ...