“The study found that 87% of evangelical clergy said they would encourage their congregants to seek help from a mental health professional when suffering from depression. (85% of Black Protestants, 97 ...
Good sense makes one slow to anger, and it is his glory to overlook an offense.
“It may be hard to believe now, but funding wasn’t a primary part of the conversation—at least from the floor—when Southern Baptists approved the initial investigation in 2021. Approving the ...
“What I intend to do in this discussion is to take a fresh look at and break down the sacred-secular divide. I have a new idea that may cause us to think a little deeper about this critical topic in ...
As for Me,” says the LORD, “this is My covenant with them: My Spirit who is upon you, and My words which I have put in your ...
“Is it just about using God’s name irreverently, or is there more to it?….the historical, linguistic, and theological dimensions of this command, including how it relates to bearing God’s name as His ...
He’s present in the little things: rain drops, the artistry of spider webs, and the sound of an acoustic guitar. A child’s laugh…. If we disregard these and thousands of other gifts, we don’t just ...
“The first book is by far the richest for Christian devotion. Here Augustine distinguishes between things that should be ‘enjoyed’ (God alone) and those that should be ‘used’ (everything else, ...
“I try to suggest in the book that the struggle between wanting to know, curiosity, and wanting not to know, which is a resistance to knowledge, that those two forces are present in our minds all the ...
We’re supposed to have the supernatural, the unseen, on our minds all the time as Christians. It’s a vital feature of the ...
“Over the years, the prayer has often been attributed to other Christian writers, including Thomas Aquinas, Augustine and Francis of Assisi. Many people might be surprised to discover that, far from ...
“So, which is better? General revelation needs specific revelation to make it truly comprehensible.” - P&D ...