Jack of all trades, master of none, as the saying goes, and that’s especially true for PCB prototyping tools. Sure, it’s ...
In case you weren’t aware, Apple devices around you are constantly scanning for AirTags. Now, imagine you’re carrying your ...
Join us on Wednesday, March 5 at noon Pacific for the Deep Space DX Hack Chat with David Prutchi! In the past 70-odd years, ...
A team from the University of Chicago brings us a new spin on sensory substitution, the “Seeing with the Hands” project, ...
Have you been to FOSDEM? It’s a yearly two-day megaconference in Brussels, every first weekend of February. Thousands of ...
Nvidia has really let us down on this one. New 5080 and 500 GPUs come with this connector, and they’re once again fire-prone.
Shopping carts are surprisingly expensive. Prices range up to about $300 for a cart, which may seem like a lot, but they have ...
I had to do something I haven’t done in a long, long time: make myself a custom PCB the old-fashioned way, with laser toner ...
Got a Flipper Zero? Ever wanted to use a high-level but powerful scripting language on it? Thanks to [Oliver] we now have a ...
Want to make your own air knife to cut things with? Unfortunately that’s not what these devices are intended for, but [This Old Tony] will show you how to make your own, while explaining ...
The toaster is a somewhat modest appliance that is often ignored until it stops working. Many cheap examples are not made to ...
Some of our devices look like they’re straight out of hacker movies. For instance, how about a small board you plant behind an RFID reader, collecting access card data and then replaying it ...